Shawn Stedwin still works for BlueBird Innovation, where a client’s satellite has gone offline. Since BlueBird manages the server onboard the satellite, this is Shawn’s latest task: to find a way to connect to the server and bring it back online.However, when it becomes evident that the server isn’t just down, but the satellite is missing, things begin to get interesting.
She and a representative of the client’s company, PanaView, must make a trip to an Air Force Base to enlist the help of the Satellite Command Center - who has an eye on every satellite in orbit.
Meanwhile, Sameer Singh, Shawn’s boss, has given her a new toy: a bare-bones computer on which to build out an Artificial Intelligence Personality. In a room built as a Faraday Cage, Shawn may spend time interacting with it and seeing what she and it can learn from each other. It doesn’t take long for Shawn to realize she doesn’t like the AI’s personality.
In Hello, World, we are reunited with old characters from previous books, we travel to towns we saw in previous books, and are introduced to new and lovable characters who might not appear again after this book.
This book is a sequel to A Flutter in the Window. Now available on Amazon and Barnes & Noble.
Hello, World 141,000 words Sci-Fi, Thriller, High-Tech |
 Kindle Paperback
 Nook Hard Cover
