Columns Tagged ‘novel’

  The Music I Write To

Ugh. That just feels wrong, doesn’t it? Ending a clause with a preposition? Well, the Elements of Style tells me to ‘write how I talk’. It’s also a title. So there you have it. But that’s not what this is about. This is about the music I listen to when I’m writing. I don’t very […]

Posted: February 12th, 2024 · 1,368 words
Categories: writing
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  Hello, World!

After a huge night last night of 6000-plus words, and a huge morning where I awoke and started writing at 7:30 and added another 6500 words, I have completed my eighth novel. It is likely to be called Hello, World! because I think it is most fitting. It is the story of a missing satellite, […]

Posted: June 24th, 2023 · 513 words
Categories: update, writing
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  A New One in the Works

Hello, friends. Just a quick update to let you know I’ve finally gotten back to my writing. After a move earlier this year, I had to spend several months updating and doing construction on the ‘new’ house. My office is finally back in order and ready to accept some new words. So that’s what I’ve […]

Posted: June 1st, 2023 · 301 words
Categories: update, writing
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  All Projects Complete

As I’ve discussed before, most of my projects have crazy timelines by the time I’m finished with them. Some I didn’t think I would ever get back to. Chasing Comets is maybe the craziest of them. The writing log is erratic and ridiculous. I started the book in 2016 and wrote 50,000 words or so. […]

Posted: July 22nd, 2022 · 438 words
Categories: update, writing
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  Another One Down

My wife and I sneaked away to Ardmore for the weekend. I don’t usually take off a week at a time for work holiday. I prefer taking an occasional Monday or Friday off, adding it to the weekend, and getting away. We usually do this every couple of months. I’ve found that week-long vacations don’t […]

Posted: May 29th, 2022 · 445 words
Categories: writing
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  Lost Backups

Well, this is awkward. I’ve been designing and building websites for about twenty-five years now. And I still haven’t learned to backup properly. So you might have noticed some new updates that were here. Updates from 2020, 2021 and 2022. And now they’re not here. I won’t lay down a bunch of lame excuses and […]

Posted: May 19th, 2022 · 274 words
Categories: update, writing
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