
Hello, friends. My site, as you may have noticed, has been down for a while. An embarrassingly long while, in fact. I just haven’t had the care or desire lately that I used to possess for designing and updating websites. Here’s the thing. I went through a tacky divorce and lost a lot of things. During that time, my hosting package ran out and they deleted all my sites and content. Imagine looking across a large field toward the mountains and knowing you have to build a road all the way to the mountains. That’s what it feels like here. I had so much content and so many words and designs, and somehow had managed to forget to back it all up. So all I have are pieces of some of them. It’s very daunting.

Anyway, it’s at least back up now so you can see what’s going on. I am about to publish my fourth novel, that has actually been ready for over two years now. I just went through so much shit that publishing it was very low priority. You know I design my own covers. So I’ve been waiting for that perfect woman to adorn the cover. I just need to find her and photograph her. As soon as that happens, I will put the book up for sale. I think you’ll like it. It’s my best yet.

So it’s winter again, and I’m finally back at it. I will be attacking my fifth novel with the ferocity of a rabid pit bull here in the next few months, and hopefully have that up for sale in the next year or so. I’m sorry I was down for so long – if you missed me at all. But I’m glad to be back. Thanks for your support.

Posted on November 17th, 2018 · 298 words
Categories: update
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